Scrap living
Interior design
Student / Federation trust
ArchiCAD and Atlantis
The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust has invited Lidcombe Collage to strategies and prepare an urban design layout. In expanding its range of accommodation available to the public at Cockatoo Island, through the adaptive re-use of shipping containers. Cockatoo Island Reveals and draws interest from the abusive history of the site by retaining the cranes and raw aesthetic and industrial heritage of the island. Further corruption of the site is avoided with the site’s present transition of the movable and adaptive shipping containers, as minimal contemporary interventions are added to help order and reveal the interest of the disfigured landscape.
Located along the southern edge of the eastern apron, the shipping containers form an ‘edge” to a new piazza” and the island. Using the 40 feet containers and welding together the 10 feet container to create an L-Shape that maximizes views and contain an outdoor deck. 4 of the 6 rooms are accessible, taking into consideration of future expansion of 36 rooms. Staking, mirror and rotating the shipping containers would achieve this. Some container would be stripped and used as viewing platforms, taking advantage of the picturesque views.
Floor Plans
Perspective images
3D Model making